Color Analysis

What is color analysis and why do I think it's important? Colors speak volumes, and well-chosen colors say even more. While strictly adhering to your color palette can be too limiting, knowing your colors is a great way to create a more cohesive and stunning outfit.

Who is it for?

This service is for those who feel that their wardrobe doesn't suit them and want to understand better what to look for when buying clothes. This product will answer the question of what season you are and which colors make up your color palette.

Description of the process

This product consists of two stages. First, I'll send you a preliminary form to better understand your appearance and distinctive features. I will also ask you to provide me with photos of your face in natural daylight, so I can see the color of your eyes, hair, and the shape of your face. The next step will be an hour-long online consultation where I will present the results of the analysis. Additionally, as part of this product, you will receive a PDF visualization of your color palette and a compilation of colors that most favorably complement your complexion. The final PDF file includes details presentation of your season with the example outfits suited to your season.

What’s included in a nutshell:

  • Online consultation 1h 15 min

  • PDF with 30 + pages of the detailed description of your season and examples of outfits

  • PDF with the color palette

Price: 150 CHF